February 26, 2009

Random observations

I am continually amused (and annoyed) by people who spend ten minutes explaining why they cannot possibly take on a new task because they are too busy, when in reality, that new task would probably have taken the equivalent of the time they just spent defending their "business."

Also, what is with this business of people having conversations on the phone in public places about private issues? For instance, yesterday I was in the coffee/cafe area of Borders and a woman (with a very loud, far-carrying voice) decided it was appropriate to discuss her current health issues and all of the tests she had undergone for the day (mammogram, etc.). I shot a few reproaching glances her way, but my actions were futile as she continued her conversation without even a pause. Even after the blender interrupted her on a number of occasions, the woman proceeded explain her current medical situation. Seriously?

On an unrelated note, I FINALLY saw Slumdog Millioaire last night -- it was amazing. All of the buzz and recognition surrounding the movie was definitely warranted in my opinion. However, my top pick for movies I have recently viwed is still Revolutionary Road, which received very little Oscar recognition.

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