March 24, 2010

the season that never was

With each passing day, evidence builds to support the fact that I have missed out on the 2009-2010 ski season. Actually, to say I didn't take advantage of the season is technically inaccurate, as I did make about six passes at Breck about a month ago. But, one solitary trip up the mountain does not a satisfied skier make.

Last year at this time, I had racked up numerous ski days, equating to hundreds of runs. So, what's my excuse this year?  Money? Nope, in fact, to the contrary. I purchased a pass for the season, which means by not skiing, I am essentially wasting funds.

Lack of equipment?  Again, no. I have a closet full of gear.

Conditions? I suppose I could employ this season's snow, or lack thereof, as a valid reason for my absent ski days. Of course, I would actually have to be on the mountain to gauge the conditions. So, moving on.

Ski companion? Yes, the fact that I no longer really hang out with one of my former ski partners and that many of my friends changed purchased Winter Park/Copper passes play into my lack of skiing. But, there is no reason I can't ski solo or make more an effort to find new ski buddies. So, again, moving forward on the excuse train.

Time? Bingo. Right on the money. You got it. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. (I could go on, but I think the point has been received). Really, it's not so much lack of time that has kept me off the slopes but instead that I have been filling the hours with other non-skiing activities. So much so in fact that when I look at my calendar, there is nary a Saturday and/or Sunday that does not include some sort of scheduled activity or event. Yes, a lot of this can be attributed to my new role as president of the Jaycees.

The season did not elapse without good intentions as I had reserved a number of days for hitting the slopes. However, when those weekends finally became a reality, the real reality was that many times, there were an additional three, four or five other activities slated for the day. I do love skiing, but, when given the choice between waking up at 6 a.m. to sit in traffic for the next two or three hours and spending some quality time in bed, guess which I chose? And then there's that whole trying-to-slow-down-and-take-more-time-for-me plan, which, believe it or not, has actually been going quite well. Technically, I suppose skiing would count toward the goal as it's an activity I enjoy and attributes to my greater good. Alas, it's too late.

Regardless, there will be no wallowing in what could have been or blaming myself for letting the ski season transpire without my participation. What will follow is a promise to make up for it next year. Hopefully, Mother Nature will coincide with my efforts. But, with or without her cooperation, I will not let another ski season pass without me having a sufficient presence on the slopes.

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